Tuesday 10 January 2012

My First Step Towards a Brighter (More Colourful) Future

Subject: A Hearty Thanks, and a Question...
Dear Sir/Madame
I would firstly like to thank you for creating such a splendid array of colours! I have recently used various shades of Hot Paprika (Kitchen) and Mineral Haze (Living space) to decorate my flat.

But let’s get down to business, I’m sure you’re very busy. I have recently decided that I would love to be a part of the Dulux family, and have come up with some new colour names, (and of course some accompanying colours) for next year’s catalogue.
Here are but a few examples of my work (example colours attached):

Obnoxious Cerulean (Available in 6 shades)
Throbbing Indigo (Available in 6 shades)
Achievable Lavender (Available in 8 shades!)

What do you think? I feel slightly limited by the software I have available to me (paint, internet explorer, Microsoft office home edition) but I think with the right guidance (much like Luke Skywalker) I can reach my full potential - Would it be possible for you to take me under your (X)wing?
If you would like any more information about me or examples of my work do not hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you for your time.
Jimmy Rumble

1 comment:

  1. Hi James, I being a huge fan of colour also decided recently to come up with a couple of new shades myself.. The first being 'cautious nutmeg'. It came to me whilst perusing the grocery isle in my local asda (other local supermarkets are available) I was picking a yummy looking bag of Chestnutt mushrooms.. and it hit me straight away.. Good god Chestnutt climax.. impressive right? But I then noticed the bag of Mushrooms was out of date, so I threw them on the floor, and just like that, naturally 'Cautious nutmeg' hit me.. it just seemed obvious you know?

    The second was quite a profound moment also. I was in the ladies room, and someone let out a rather undiscreet.. I believe the term is bottom burp.. and bam, just like that, 'serrated buffalo blue' almost put me on my ass. The funny thing is its not even remotely blue.. Doesnt that just blow your mind??

    Well Pleasure reading the Blogs.. Keep them Coming you balding midnight cowboy.

    Best. DBBS
