Thursday 9 September 2010

Why are Daves so 'Davey'

I spent a weekend in Turkey with a guy called Dave;  soon I realised that he was like every other Dave I'd met (not 'David's, just 'Dave's), like 'uncle Dave', 'Dave from down the road', 'Dave, you know the new guy'.

So during the time I was with him I compiled his (and his Dave brethren's) habits and sayings into a list in the back of a sketch book, it read as follows:

Dave is...

  • touching my belongings again.
  • the kind of guys who's favorite Alien movie is AVP2.
  • wishing he could see U2 before he dies.
  • wearing a terrible shirt .
  • blissfully unaware that the people he is insulting on the plane speak english.
  • not the kind of guy to appreciate 'modern art'.
  • happy to promote unflattering British stereotypes to the Turkish populace.
  • getting on my nerves.
  • deep down a very nice (if insecure) guy.
  • the kind of guy who keeps one headphone in at a funeral and mouths the words to Beegee's classic 'staying alive'.
  • under the impression the Beegee's have 'classics'.
  • a man who 'loves his food', and expresses this thorough flatulence.
  • proud of 'that crap' he had this morning, and insists on telling me about it over breakfast.
  • wearing a terrible shirt (again?! how many does he have?).
  • so 'tough' he has to be gay.
  • 'not into that gay thing'.
  • rocking the socks and sandals look.
  • good at nothing but tries hard.
  • convinced all men are like him.
  • (contrary to his own beliefs) not god's gift to women.
  • sure he is 'too tough' for karate lesson.
  • afraid of discussing his true feelings.
  • not afraid to fart in a lift.
  • making decisions which are not his to make.
  • not going to do anything about his incredible amount of back hair.
  • not washing his hands. 
  • convinced football matters.
  • never going to have a book (or blog) written about him.
  • a state of mind.
  • mocked behind his back by a coward on the internet.

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