Thursday 18 November 2010

"Holy Shower-Peep-Hole Batman!"

That's right through a super secret spyhole in the batcave I managed to get this artist's impression of  Bruce Wain shaving his pits (I guess to stop chaffage when using his grappling hook etc.) but the weird thing is he showers in a cowel!

I didnt have a camera with me as I was naked and holding something else at the time, so I thought the best thing to do was to cartoon what I saw and submit it to the papers, so far there has been no interest in the story.

Also I am a little worried as when I scarpered from the scene I think I triggered some kind of alarm, after which I heard a soapy Batman exclaiming something like 'I will hunt you down and end you, pervert!', but what's he going to do? I made the whole thing up, well not Batman, but the whole shower thing. I did it for the money, I know it was wrong, sorry. Anyway I'd better get back to fabricating lies to post on the internet.

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